I am an Advocate who fights for victim's rights and against injustice. I am a voice, a social changer who raises awareness and encourage actions to reverse unjust and inhumane situations that everyday people find themselves in.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
UNCUT: Detroit 300 Press Conference on Baby Killers
"Our message to the gang-bangers and anybody else that's engaged in a lifestyle that puts babies like this and our seniors in jeopardy of their lives, we're telling you there is no coming together with you, period. There is no uniting with you. Let it be known from this day forward, you are our enemy, period", said Detroit 300 President and Founder Raphael B. Johnson during a news conference.
Enough said!
Detroit 300 searches for rapist
Detroit 300 searches the community for the man who beat and raped a teen age girl.
Violence against women and children will not be tolerated by The Detroit 300! At some point, "enough-is-enough" is just a shallow phrase. The Detroit 300 has taken action. More to follow I am sure.
Detroit 300 on streets, hunting down baby killers
Detroit 300 isn't just going after the killers of children, they are demanding justice for all of the children that have been victims of senseless crime.
MAN UP! Respect & Protect Women & Girls Partnership
MAN UP! Respect and Protect Our Women and Girls!
MAN UP! is an AMAZINGLY POWERFUL partnership in Milwaukee, WI, between a community-based domestic and sexual violence prevention agency Asha Family Services, Inc. (Asha) and Minister William Muhammad and Muhammad Mosque #3.
This unique partnership, joined by national and local Artists, Poets, Rappers, Elected Officials, Clergy and Entertainers, convened a packed-house 'men only' meeting and Rallying March this year and along with active follow up and dialogue, momentum continues to grow!! These men are challenging social norms and each other and are bringing other men and boys to the forefront and out of silence into action with a collective voice that says violence against women and girls is not acceptable and must stop!
Minister William Muhammad states, "This June 9, 2012 men only meeting is to educate, inform and encourage men and boys to change their thinking and galvanize in solidarity to confront and eradicate domestic and dating violence and the sexual abuse of our women and girls, by emphasizing the extreme value of the female".
Through years of collaborative efforts with Asha, around HIV/AIDS and STDs, Min. Muhammad became increasingly grieved and appalled at the growing numbers of domestic, dating and sexual violence occurrences in the community and stepped up efforts to address this urgent concern.
'What is Allah’s (God’s) view of the female? She is the manifestation of His at...tribute of mercy to the world. She is undeserved kindness to us, for, through her we are extended through the generations. It is only through her that we live again, and again, and again. It is only through her that we continue to move toward the true perfection that Allah (God) desires for His creation. She is the cornerstone of the family and therefore is critical in the whole process of nation and world building. ' - Minister Louis Farrakhan
This June 9th event at the Wisconsin Black Historical Society Museum, features...WMCS 1290 Talk Show Host Earl Ingram of the 'Evening Rush' will moderate a panel discussion on men and violence against women and girls. Poetry Unplugged co-founder, Kwabena Antoine Nixon, Poet/Writer, Muhibb Dyer and recording artist, Gat Turner will deliver original spoken word floatry. Men... you don't want to miss this event! Donation is only $5.
This program is sponsored by Muhammad Mosque #3 and Asha Family Services, Inc.
'What is Allah’s (God’s) view of the female? She is the manifestation of His at...tribute of mercy to the world. She is undeserved kindness to us, for, through her we are extended through the generations. It is only through her that we live again, and again, and again. It is only through her that we continue to move toward the true perfection that Allah (God) desires for His creation. She is the cornerstone of the family and therefore is critical in the whole process of nation and world building. ' - Minister Louis Farrakhan
This June 9th event at the Wisconsin Black Historical Society Museum, features...WMCS 1290 Talk Show Host Earl Ingram of the 'Evening Rush' will moderate a panel discussion on men and violence against women and girls. Poetry Unplugged co-founder, Kwabena Antoine Nixon, Poet/Writer, Muhibb Dyer and recording artist, Gat Turner will deliver original spoken word floatry. Men... you don't want to miss this event! Donation is only $5.
This program is sponsored by Muhammad Mosque #3 and Asha Family Services, Inc.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Ludacris - Runaway Love ft. Mary J. Blige - YouTube
Ludacris - Runaway Love ft. Mary J. Blige - YouTube Ludacris and Mary J Blige say "Hell is sometimes a place called home" Dang!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
NO MORE - Together we can end domestic violence and sexual assault.
Click this link to power = NO MORE - Together we can end domestic violence and sexual assault.
The NO MORE campaign is off and running and only together can we end domestic and sexual violence! Get your "NO MORE" logo and tools to help spread the word. Say NO MORE to domestic and sexual violence.
The NO MORE campaign is off and running and only together can we end domestic and sexual violence! Get your "NO MORE" logo and tools to help spread the word. Say NO MORE to domestic and sexual violence.
Monday, May 28, 2012
FREE MARISSA (PSA). MAY 29TH 2012 @ HEMMING PLAZA - YouTube#at=171#!
FREE MARISSA (PSA). MAY 29TH 2012 @ HEMMING PLAZA - YouTube#at=171#!
Does the gross injustice of the Marissa Alexander Case expose widespread disproportionate injustices in Jacksonville, Florida?
Does the gross injustice of the Marissa Alexander Case expose widespread disproportionate injustices in Jacksonville, Florida?
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Pregnant Woman, Unborn Baby Survive Being Abducted, Set on Fire, Shot - Yahoo! News
Some stuff is so crazy, all you can think is "WHY?" Is it possible that because this man did not want another child, he had his 9 month pregnant "ex" girlfriend, abducted, set on fire and shot?
Pregnant Woman, Unborn Baby Survive Being Abducted, Set on Fire, Shot - Yahoo! News
Pregnant Woman, Unborn Baby Survive Being Abducted, Set on Fire, Shot - Yahoo! News
Friday, May 25, 2012
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT VAWA! s.1925 is the real VAWA - VAWA Reauthorization
GET THE FACTS ON THE REAL VAWA! s. 1925 is the "REAL" VAWA ..."The resulting legislation, S. 1925, built upon the past successes of VAWA, increasing its effectiveness and reaching more victims, while decreasing the total amount of federal funding by 20%, eliminating 13 programs and streamlining another ten programs into three".
Click link ...s.1925 is the real VAWA - VAWA Reauthorization
National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence Against Women
Click link ...s.1925 is the real VAWA - VAWA Reauthorization
National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence Against Women
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT VAWA! FACT SHEET: NTF opposition to HR 4970 - VAWA Reauthorization
Click link.... FACT SHEET: NTF opposition to HR 4970 - VAWA Reauthorization
Click link.... FACT SHEET: NTF opposition to HR 4970 - VAWA Reauthorization
Thursday, May 24, 2012
2012 Rape Crisis Center Survey
One finding from this new Survey says...
Rape crisis centers ranked adolescent and teen survivors, the age group most at risk for sexual violence, as the most underserved population.
2012 Rape Crisis Center Survey
2012 Rape Crisis Center Survey
VAWA Violence Against Women Act - What You Should Know
Violence Against Women Act
Improving the Criminal Justice Response to Rape
There has been little or no change in the rates of rape prosecution in the last two decades and lack of prosecution allows serial rapists to go free. S. 1925 strengthens the STOP and Arrest grant programs to better respond to rape. Improvements include a 20% set-aside for sexual assault projects and new purpose areas to support Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) programs; Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs) and reductions in the rape kit backlog.
Housing Protections
S. 1925 extends VAWA housing protections to victims of sexual assault in all public housing programs and provides options for sexual assault victims to transfer quickly to a safer location.
Improving the Criminal Justice Response to Rape
There has been little or no change in the rates of rape prosecution in the last two decades and lack of prosecution allows serial rapists to go free. S. 1925 strengthens the STOP and Arrest grant programs to better respond to rape. Improvements include a 20% set-aside for sexual assault projects and new purpose areas to support Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) programs; Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs) and reductions in the rape kit backlog.
Housing Protections
S. 1925 extends VAWA housing protections to victims of sexual assault in all public housing programs and provides options for sexual assault victims to transfer quickly to a safer location.
National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence
Learn the facts about Sexual Assault. It hits home closer than you think.
National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence
National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Enslaved in America: Sex Trafficking in the United States | Women's Funding Network
Great Article on the sex trafficking of of young girls and women by the Women's Funding Network: "Maybe you have seen them in the streets in short dresses and spike heels. You turn your heads to look away. We do not look at the faces of these young women and girls who are forced to be out in the street. Maybe we think this is what they want to do or they wouldn't be out there. Maybe it is easier to believe that it is an empowering choice they have than face the harsh reality of child sexual abuse, physical and mental abuse, and the pimps that prey on the young women and girls". Folks, whatever you think of them, remember this, they are somebody's daughter!
Enslaved in America: Sex Trafficking in the United States | Women's Funding Network
Enslaved in America: Sex Trafficking in the United States | Women's Funding Network
Teen Girls' Stories of Sex Trafficking in U.S. - ABC News
Many of us in the United States have heard about "Human Trafficking" but it is often thought of in terms of something that takes place in other parts of the world and this story is an eye-opener disrupting such myths that its just in..." -- Thailand, Cambodia, Latin America and eastern Europe, for example -- few people know it happens here in the United States".
Teen Girls' Stories of Sex Trafficking in U.S. - ABC News
Teen Girls' Stories of Sex Trafficking in U.S. - ABC News
Bill to aid victims of sex, labor trafficking | The Columbus Dispatch
Bill to aid victims of sex, labor trafficking | The Columbus Dispatch
"The bill allows trafficking victims to seek expungement of their criminal records as adults, and it would channel confiscated financial assets of traffickers into social services for victims".
"The bill allows trafficking victims to seek expungement of their criminal records as adults, and it would channel confiscated financial assets of traffickers into social services for victims".
Sex Trafficking Facts HHS ACF
GET THE FACTS: According to HHS ACF Sex Trafficking Fact Sheet, "Victims of sex trafficking face numerous
health risks. Physical risks include drug and alcohol addiction; physical injuries (broken bones, concussions,
burns, vaginal/anal tearings); traumatic brain injury (TBI) resulting in memory loss, dizziness, headaches,
numbness; sexually transmitted diseases (e.g., HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, UTIs, pubic lice); sterility,
miscarriages, menstrual problems; other diseases (e.g., TB, hepatitis, malaria, pneumonia); and forced or
coerced abortions."
Monday, May 21, 2012
MALE SURVIVOR - "Sexual abuse and molestation, the open secret"
This is a powerful article found in the February 2012 Issue of The Final Call. Mr. Wright-El, a sexual assault survivor speaks candidly about the traumatic aftermath of sexual abuse in his life. His victimization began when he was 5 years old. His abuser was his female babysitter.
Sexual abuse and molestation, the open secret
"Mr. Wright-El said as he got older he became extremely shy and was always afraid of the dark. In college he became very promiscuous and had a volatile temper. Getting help made him realize the source of his behaviors was due to molestation, he says. Now 34, Mr. Wright-El is not ashamed of sharing his horrifying experience and says Black men in particular must understand that early exposure to sexual activity is not part of “being a man.”
Sexual abuse and molestation, the open secret
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Abused children appear likely to have mental disorders as young adults
Many mental health disorders can be prevented. We can stop the cycle of violence and interrupt the damaging effects of child abuse. Be informed and get the facts. This study states, "After adjusting for demographic and socioeconomic factors, a history of abuse or neglect was associated with having any mental disorder and with five individual mental disorders -- including anxiety, mood and substance abuse conditions -- both over a lifetime and in the previous year. The strongest associations were with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder."
Abused children appear likely to have mental disorders as young adults
Abused children appear likely to have mental disorders as young adults
Unemployment linked with child maltreatment
"Maltreated children suffer the immediate physical consequences of abuse, including physical injury and even death, and are also at increased risk of physical and mental health effects, often lasting for decades."
Unemployment linked with child maltreatment
Unemployment linked with child maltreatment
Chronic child abuse strong indicator of negative adult experiences
"Jonson-Reid cites a recently published Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study estimating lifetime costs for a single year's worth of children reported for maltreatment at $242 billion."
Chronic child abuse strong indicator of negative adult experiences
Chronic child abuse strong indicator of negative adult experiences
Friday, May 18, 2012
Thank You Congresswoman Gwen Moore
3719 W.
Center Street * Milwaukee, WI * 53210
875-1511 * fax: (414) 875-1217
Congresswoman Moore, on
behalf of Asha Family Services, Inc., and the women we were created to serve, I
thank you, we applaud you and we celebrate you for your strong and courageous
advocacy on behalf of victims of domestic, sexual and dating violence. Your
Speech yesterday still resonates in our minds with your passionate, powerful
and content rich words that illustrate to us, your strength and of whom
Gwendolyn Moore is and why she does what she does.
I was blessed and
inspired by the story you shared. A story you shared from your life that was
pre-VAWA, on how you tried to prosecute a man who had raped you. You said, “I had to prove as a victim that I was not
being fraudulent in my accusations! That brought up how I was an unwed mother
with a baby. Maybe I seduced him. They talked about how I was dressed.” In the end, you stated that he was found “not
guilty”, however your initial courage and pursuit of justice moved you to
pursue holding that rapist accountable at a time it was not safe for a woman to
do, but you did and that same fueled-courage is what ushered you into your
destiny and to the United States Congress.
I see many spiritual gifts in you including Advocacy, Mercy and
Counseling. You are a fighter, a survivor and a hero…our hero.
As you can imagine, we
are deeply saddened by the GOP written Bill that narrowly passed the House.
That version is scary to me as an Advocate in the field and movement, because I
know in essence it is a death sentence for some women as the revised bill
affords them little or no protections.
In your address, you gave the warning, “The GOP revisions give perpetrators the tools to prevail over the
rights of victims”, and I can only hope they heed that.
As a primarily women
serving agency and the only culturally specific domestic abuse agency for
African American victims in the State of Wisconsin, we are struggling daily to
survive, especially given the economic realities of our State. For many of us
culturally specific organizations across the Country, VAWA 2005 was a huge
historical feat given the inclusion of Culturally Specific services for
Communities of Color. These culturally specific programs allow organizations
such as Asha Family Services to develop, maintain or enhance our services to
victims. We see and feel the daily war against women and are shocked by the
on-going erosion of protections, benefits and rights for women, All women.
I know the fight is not
over and we stand with you, President Obama and Vice President Biden to urge
Congress to come together to do the “Right Thing” and pass a bipartisan measure
that will protect all women.
Thank you again for all that you do.
Antonia A. Vann,
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Many of us in the United States have heard about "Human Trafficking" but it is often thought of in terms of something that takes p...
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Blog Archive
- UNCUT: Detroit 300 Press Conference on Baby Killers
- Detroit 300 searches for rapist
- Detroit 300 on streets, hunting down baby killers
- MAN UP! Respect & Protect Women & Girls Partnership
- Ludacris - Runaway Love ft. Mary J. Blige - YouTube
- NO MORE - Together we can end domestic violence an...
- 05.11.12: Rep. Brown + Angela Corey Talk on Mariss...
- Pregnant Woman, Unborn Baby Survive Being Abducted...
- WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT VAWA! s.1925 is the re...
- 2012 Rape Crisis Center Survey
- VAWA Violence Against Women Act - What You Shoul...
- More than 1,000 Peace Corp women have been raped o...
- National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence
- Ten Things You Might Not Know About Sexual Assault...
- Sex-Trade: Innocence Lost in America's Heartland -...
- Enslaved in America: Sex Trafficking in the United...
- Teen Girls' Stories of Sex Trafficking in U.S. - A...
- Bill to aid victims of sex, labor trafficking | Th...
- Sex Trafficking Facts HHS ACF
- MALE SURVIVOR - "Sexual abuse and molestation, the...
- Abused children appear likely to have mental disor...
- Unemployment linked with child maltreatment
- Chronic child abuse strong indicator of negative a...
- The Moore Connection: Opposing the "Fake" VAWA, Fi...
- Thank You Congresswoman Gwen Moore
- Gwen Moore Recounts Personal Story of Domestic Vio...
- Reponse to “The Secret Meeting that Changed Rap Mu...
- “The Secret Meeting that Changed Rap Music and Des...
- 100,000 Strong for a Real "Violence Against Women ...
- Women's Rights Petition: Milwaukee-area Hospitals:...
- PARDON Abused Mother Marissa Alexander for Standin...
- Corey on Alexander Case: Get your facts straight
- President Obama says Women are NOT a special inter...
- In Praise of Single Mothers - The Atlantic
- Verbal Abuse Journals
- Marissa Alexander gets 20 years for firing warning...
- 2012 Conference!! Institute on Domestic Violence ...
- Hundreds rally and speak out against sexual assaul...
- Fighting for Our Lives Marissa Alexander Stand You...
- Fighting for Our Lives Marissa Alexander Stand You...
- Stand Your Ground Marissa Alexander
- Judge denies Marissa Alexander new trial despite '...
- Judge denies Marissa Alexander new trial despite '...
- Why Couldn't Marissa Alexander Stand Her Ground in...
- Marissa Alexander Case News coverage Zimmerman Fre...